Bill Knight column for Thurs.,
Fri., or Sat., Feb. 22, 23 or 24, 2018
interests and the Trump administration are trying to dump decades of settled
law to take away the basic freedom of millions of working people to have a
voice on the job. The U.S. Supreme Court case, “Janus v. AFSCME Council 31,”
could undermine the ability of nurses, teachers and other public workers to
negotiate over pay, benefits and workplace safety. The Court is scheduled to
hear oral arguments on the case on Monday.
Obama administration supported unions in previous challenges, most recently in
2016’s “Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association” case, which seemed to be
headed for an anti-labor ruling before Justice Antonin Scalia died. So the
court split, 4-4, on the issue.
Trump appointed conservative Neil Gorsuch to replace Scalia, the court in
September said it would take “Janus” as a new challenge, and this winter, the
Trump administration asked the Court to overturn a decades-old precedent that
permits the requirement that public employees pay some fees to unions that
represent them. That decision, 1977’s “Abood v. Detroit Board of Education,”
ensures unions recover costs of bargaining and enforcing contracts – but not
partisan political activities.
is another transparent attempt to weaken organized labor, particularly the
public sector.
‘Janus’ case is part of a coordinated attack on workers financed by anti-union,
anti-worker billionaires and corporate interests whose aim is to destroy unions
and make it impossible for working people to join together and protect
hard-fought rights and protections,” said Laborers president Terry O’Sullivan.
the court rules against the unions, it would be overturning legal precedent
that has protected workers for 40 years and siding with corporate interests who
want to silence workers,” continued O’Sullivan.
lead plaintiff in the case is Mark Janus, a child-support specialist at the
Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services whose legal team argues
that under current law he’s forced to support a union that doesn’t represent
his views, and they claim that violates his First Amendment rights.
reality, Janus’ contributions to AFSCME don’t go toward political or social
issues about which he disagrees. Instead, “Janus” attacks a key source of
revenue for unions to do the work they’re expected – and obligated – to do, in
order to weaken them.
forces behind this case know that by joining together in strong unions, working
people have the voice they need to level the economic and political playing
field,” said AFSCME Council 31 director Roberta Lynch. “The billionaires and
corporate special interests funding this case view unions as a threat to their
power, so they are trying to get the U.S. Supreme Court to rig the system even
more in favor of those already at the top.
outlawing Fair Share fees, employees who benefit from gains the union makes
will not have to pay anything toward the cost of union representation,” she
continued. “The wealthy elite behind this case want to drain unions of
resources so working people will not have a powerful voice.”
president Richard Trumka added, “For more than 40 years … the law recognized
unions and employers have the freedom to negotiate agreements under which
everybody contributes his or her fair share. But now the Trump administration
is urging the court to reverse this precedent and undermine working people and
unions. This is a shameful political payback to reward those who seek to do
working people harm. Arguing against our freedoms at work is not what working
people expect of our government. Actions speak louder than words, Mr.
organized labor, AFSCME has had support from various interests, even the U.S.
Conference of Catholic Bishops. Its amicus brief backing labor says, “The
Catholic bishops of the United States have long and consistently supported the
right of workers to organize for purposes of collective bargaining. Because
this right is substantially weakened by so-called ‘Right-To-Work’ laws, many
bishops – in their dioceses, through their state conferences, and through their
national conference – have opposed or cast doubt on such laws, and no U.S.
bishop has expressed support for them.
proposed rationale for this dramatic move appears designed to lay the
foundation for a still more dramatic one: constitutionalizing, in a subsequent
case, the ‘Right-To-Work’ rule in the private sector as well,” the brief adds.
Without “fair-share,” agency fees or other contributions toward the costs of
representation – which could be made illegal in the “Janus” case, “unions face
a ‘free rider’ problem that dramatically weakens them and, in turn, their
bargaining power on behalf of workers, as experience in ‘Right-To-Work’ states
to date has borne out,” the bishops’ brief says.