Bill Knight column for 4-25, 26 or 27,
Illinois pension funds and unions serving
public employees have notified members that letters sent to them this spring
contained lies and were tied to a national anti-labor campaign funded by
Right-wing interests ranging from the Koch brothers to the family of Education
Secretary Betsy DeVos.
Beth Spencer, Communications
Manager of the State Universities Retirement System (SURS) in Champaign, said,
“SURS was troubled to learn that many recently received a letter from the
Illinois Policy Institute (IPI) urging you to end your union dues or dues to
retirement organizations.
“SURS does not support the IPI,”
she added.
Audrey Edwards, president of the
Retirees Chapter of the University Professionals of Illinois (UPI), part of the
American Federation of Teachers, warned, “You may receive a letter from the
Illinois Policy Institute, an anti-union organization, that contains some
serious falsehoods. It alleges that our dues are going to Mike Madigan and
urges us to quit our union. The truth: Our UPI dues are never used for partisan
political purposes.”
Indeed, IPI correspondence
conflates routine union expenses for organizing, negotiating and enforcing
contracts, etc. with unionists’ voluntary contributions toward political
candidates or causes. Those funds are separate, and dues can’t mingle with political
“I have belonged for many years to
UPI,” Edwards continued. “I pay UPI dues, and I also choose to contribute
separately to the Committee on Political Education (COPE), which backs
candidates who support union causes. Some of our members pay UPI dues but don't
contribute to COPE. That works, too.
“I attend statewide UPI meetings,”
she added. “At these meetings, we do not discuss partisan politics. COPE
contributors hold a separate meeting to plan political action, including
campaign contributions from a completely isolated budget.
“Please don't be fooled,” she said. “The
Illinois Policy Institute, representing business interests, is attempting to
weaken the power of unions. Threats loom. We need to stay strong.”
IPI runs operations that try to get
people to leave their unions, based on 2018’s divisive U.S. Supreme Court
“Janus v. AFSCME Council 31” decision. By a 5-4 vote, the Justices ruled that
though unions are obligated to fairly represent all workers in a bargaining
unit, workers who benefit from unions’ bargaining and representation work need
not pay dues (or “fair-share” payments) to cover those costs.
Recent communications from the IPI
have targeted American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees,
Chicago Teachers Union members, Illinois Education Association members, and
workers’ retirement-fund managers.
IPI is an ultra-conservative think
tank with offices in Springfield and Chicago, and a member of the State Policy
Network, according to the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD), an independent
watchdog group based in Madison, Wis.
Funded by several Right-wing
groups, including the Koch brothers – David and Charles, billionaire owners of
Koch Industries, “IPI is listed as a ‘partner organization’ in the Charles Koch
Institute's Liberty@Work program,” CMD reports. “IPI has also received $789,206
from DonorsTrust and $807,750 from Donors Capital Fund between 2010 and 2014,
groups with ties to the Kochs.”
Another report, from the Center for
Public Integrity, reveals DonorsTrust funders, which include the Knowledge and
Progress Fund (a Charles Koch-run group), “one of the group's largest known
contributors, having donated at least $8 million since 2005,” CMD added.
Other contributors known to have
donated at least $1 million to DonorsTrust include the Richard and Helen DeVos
Foundation, the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, and the John M. Olin
In 2011 DonorsTrust contributed a
total of $86 million to Right-wing organizations, and many recipients had ties
to that State Policy Network, CMD says.
Meanwhile, the IPI in recent years came
under fire from across the political spectrum. IPI helped underwrite the Janus
case, and weeks after it was decided, the plaintiff, Mark Janus, quit his job
with the state of Illinois and IPI hired him. Last year, the Chicago Sun-Times
and Politico in an investigative story titled “As Conservative Group Grows in
Influence, Financial Dealings Enrich Its Leaders,” journalists Mick Dumke and
Tina Sfondeles reported IPI “attacked political insiders for profiting off the
system, [but] IPI CEO John Tillman was able to increase his own bottom line,
parlaying a small-government message into growing paychecks for himself and
other top staff members.
“Through an often-dizzying series
of transactions Tillman and his associates have moved millions of dollars
around five interconnected nonprofits they run – while steering money to
for-profit ventures they have a stake in and growing their paychecks,” they
added. Tillman's “transactions raise ethical questions and could violate the
federal tax code for nonprofits.”
Shortly afterward, Illinois’
Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner – who’d placed some IPI people in his
administration – cut ties with the group and said he was “troubled by what I’ve
learned, and I certainly would not give them any more money.”