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Thursday, August 1, 2019

Some Republicans silent or timid on racist rants

Bill Knight column for 7-29, 30 or 31, 2019

Deadly race riots raged in Chicago 100 years ago this week, but it seems that some Illinois politicians haven’t learned enough from history to resist returning to those Bad Ol’ Days.
Democracy must have choices and multiple political parties, and I long admired and sometimes voted for U.S. Reps. Paul Findley and Ray LaHood, U.S. Sen. Chuck Percy, President Dwight Eisenhower, State Rep. Dave Leitch and Gov. Jim Edgar. A hero in the Watergate era was Congressman Tom Railsback, the Moline Republican (for whom Ray LaHood worked for five years before becoming House Minority Leader Bob Michel’s aide) who voted against President Nixon.
However, I see today’s GOP and wonder whether those past Republican leaders were outliers or naïve.
The option is shock and shame about 21st century GOP leaders.
This stems from recent belligerent tantrums by President Trump, who on July 14 attacked four progressive Congresswomen of color to “go back [to] places from which they came,” followed within hours by an ugly “Send her back!” chant by a Trump-rally mob, and then a July 19 “Jihad Squad” graphic post by the Illinois Republican County Chairmen’s Association depicting the same elected House members as terrorists.
In Illinois’ 18th District where I live, Congressman Darin LaHood (Ray’s 51-year-old son) issued mild rebukes, commenting after the hostile tweet, “It is not the language that I would’ve used” and following the rally chants, “That’s not what I think is the right strategy. However, I think it’s a reflection of the real concern by many people in my district.”
“Strategy”? Blaming constituents?
Darin apparently never reacted to the provocative Facebook post (no one from his District and Washington offices replied to requests for a comment). His complacency, if not complicity, is disappointing, demonstrating timidity or more concern for Trump’s approval than for decency.
About Trump, George W. Bush appointee to the National Counterterrorism Center and former CIA Director John Brennan, said, “Until so-called Republicans put nation above party and condemn his vile rants, this crisis will only get worse and more dangerous.”
Some Republicans did denounce the racism: Texas Congressmen Will Hurd and Pete Olson, respectively, called the tweets “racist” that should be disavowed; Congresswoman Lisa Murkowski of Alaska described Trump’s comments as “spiteful”; ex-Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake characterized the language as “vile and offensive”; and even arch-conservative Iowa Sen. Joni Ernst admitted it was racist, and current House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said such criticisms have “no place in our party and no place in this country.”
In Illinois, GOP Congressman Adam Kinzinger said such chants are “wrong and would send chills down the spines of our Founding Fathers.”
Progressive evangelical Christian Jim Wallis agreed, saying the angry comments “are offensive to our founding ideals, … un-American, illegal, a sin and antithetical to the teachings of Jesus.”
Such judgments aren’t startling. After all, Trump’s long-time attorney Michael Cohen and one-time casino partner Jack O’Donnell both say the President is a racist.
However, as writer Mike Tomasky said, “Republicans don’t fail to object to Trump because they’re afraid of his base. They refuse to stand up to Trump because they like what he’s doing.”
So overlooking destructive, divisive politics, policies and practices is OK if it means fewer regulations, Right-wing judges, a border wall, and an economy enriching the wealthy, even if the GOP betrays its tenets of fiscal restraint, law and order, family values, and recognizing Russia as a dictatorship?
What a price! Even Michel “was always the most loyal of Republicans but never a politician comfortable with the usual dissembling or blind partisanship,” Jack Germond and Jules Witcover wrote in 1993.
Therefore, I have five questions for my Congressman:
* If Trump’s attacks aren’t racist, what would be?
* If “go back” or “send her back” are condoned by this President, would comparable comments from a Democratic President be alright?
* By not condemning Trump’s comments, aren’t you making them acceptable?
* Since the Census Bureau predicts that whites will be a minority starting in 2045, how do you expect the Republican Party to survive?
* And since you earned a degree from John Marshall Law School and worked as an Assistant U.S. Attorney for five years, how do you reconcile this statement from the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission on Anti-Discrimination Laws: “Examples of potentially unlawful conduct include insults, taunts or ethnic epithets such as making fun of a person’s foreign accent or comments like ‘Go back where you came from’ ”?

Ex-U.S. Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates commented, “Those who could have stood up but cowered instead bear equal responsibility for the vile devolution of our country’s values.”
Years from now, who’ll look back and think, “Sure, Trump was a racist, but he cut taxes for the elite…”?

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