Knight column for 8-8, 9 or 10, 2019
Part of
what makes horror scary is the feeling of helplessness, whether witnessing or
enduring the shock and terror.
horrors at hand in confinement camps containing kids in caged conditions akin
to kennels horrify many Americans. But detention sites for migrants actually
might be worse than terrible images seared into George Takei’s memory.
it’s happened here before.
the 82-year-old “Star Trek” actor, activist and author, was 5 years old when
his family had their home and assets seized and were forced into internment
camps during World War II. Now, as the series “The Terror: Infamy” starts its
10-episode run at 8 p.m. Monday (Aug. 12), Takei – a consulting producer also featured
in a supporting role) – has released a new graphic novel based on his
experiences in the 1940s: “They Called Us Enemy.”
AMC show continues the tone of last year’s “The Terror,” only this season it’s
set during World War II at internment camps, where unknowns seemingly cause
bizarre deaths among imprisoned Japanese-Americans. Part ghost story and part
social commentary, the show has creators and cast members who hope it inspires
people’s resistance to injustice as well as entertaining audiences.
know what concentration camps are,” Takei tweeted to his 10 million followers
last month. “I was inside two of them, in America. And yes, we are operating
such camps again.”
gripping, tender memoir (Top Shelf Productions, 204 pp., $19.99 paperback) –
co-written by Justin Eisinger and Steven Scott, with black and white
illustrations by Harmony Becker – recounts the confusion, dread and outrage
felt by Takei, his family and their fellow prisoners. His dad, Takekuma Norman
Takei, was a longtime U.S. resident and dry-cleaning businessman, and his mom,
homemaker Fumiko Emily Takei, was a U.S. citizen born in Sacramento. They were
a few of the 120,000 people of Japanese ancestry – apart from citizenship or
years living in this country – swept up after the racist Executive Order 9066, based
on fear and ignorance, was signed by Democratic President Franklin D. Roosevelt
and upheld by Congress and the courts.
Called Us Enemy” is provocative and painful, poignant and revealing, comparable
to other graphic-novel tales of history such as Civil Rights hero and U.S. Rep.
John Lewis’ “March” trilogy released in 2013-2016, and to Brian Woods’ “Rebels”
series about the roots of the American Revolution, published in book form in
2016 and 2018.
the Trump administration’s policy, families such as Takei’s stayed together,
even if they were housed in manure-stained horse stalls or stark, guard-towered
garrisons that made military barracks seem like country clubs.
Becker’s art is often almost as
heart-wrenching as the circumstances and the dialogue that propels the plot.
Takei’s mother made clothes, his father organized neighbors, and young George
went to school (unlike today’s asylum-seeking kids, who have no books, beds or
basic needs, from food to soap). They were relocated to a camp in sultry, rural
Arkansas, then – after responding “incorrectly” to a prisoner questionnaire on loyalty
– to a facility in California.
In a cruel irony, despite a federal
lawsuit (“Korematsu v. U.S.”), the executive order was never struck down until
last summer, when U.S. Supreme Court John Roberts commented that it “has no
place in law under the Constitution” even as – in the same ruling – the
Court upheld in a 5-4 vote President Trump’s ban on immigration from
Muslim-majority nations. In Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s dissent, she wrote, “By
blindly accepting the government’s misguided invitation to sanction a
discriminatory policy motivated by animosity toward a disfavored group, all in the
name of a superficial claim of national security, the Court redeploys the same dangerous
logic underlying ‘Korematsu’ and merely replaces one ‘gravely wrong’ decision
with another.”
Recently commenting on current
issues about immigration in America, Takei said, “We have reached a grotesque
low. Children are being torn away from their families at our southern border … this
administration is so incompetent.”
In an emotional reflection of heated
discussions challenging his father’s apparent acceptance of their
incarceration, Takei remembers his dad saying, “American democracy is still the
best. Roosevelt pulled us out of the Depression, and he did great things. But
he was also a fallible human being, and he made a disastrous mistake that
affected us calamitously. But despite all that we’ve experienced, our democracy
is still the best in the world because it’s a PEOPLE’S democracy, and the
people can do great things.”
Can we do a great thing about
horrors conducted in our names?
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