Knight column for 9-5, 6 or 7, 2019
Six years ago this month, I read a
piece in the Catholic magazine America about ecumenism, and though it focused
on Christian unity, its recollection of the New Testament line from John’s
reporting of Jesus’ comment – “My prayer is not for [my
followers] alone. I pray also for those who will believe through their message, that
all of them may be one” – struck me as pertaining to everyone.
Three years ago, I attended an
interfaith meeting at Peoria’s Islamic Foundation, where an evangelical pastor,
a Presbyterian minister and elected officials all spoke on Americans’ freedom
to worship, and apart from all of their insightful words, the turnout was
inspiring: About 1,000 people shared love, respect and joy at recognizing the
many ways to worship.
The audience ranged from
Millennials with tattoos, Mormon missionaries and a U.S. Attorney, to veterans,
a judge and seniors. It seemed like how I envision crowds at the Pearly Gates:
“All are welcome,” as we’ve sung at Mass.
It brought me to tears more than
once to see everyday people appreciating commonalities amid differences.
Now, however, some are increasingly
trying to exploit differences to divide us under the guise of “religious
liberty” statutes and lawsuits, where individuals’ or businesses’ purported
beliefs take precedence over basic rights and existing federal, state and local
At the least, the reactionary drift
makes personal preferences more important than society’s; at the most it
subverts the idea and ideal of regular people’s civil rights in a free nation.
Vice President Mike Pence has
claimed the need to defend “traditional Christian beliefs,” but it’s really
part of a troubling trend of government using its power to exalt some faiths
and denigrate others. For instance, the Conscience and Religious Freedom Unit
was set up last year within the Department of Health and Human Services, led by
anti-gay attorney Roger Severino (from the Right-wing Heritage Foundation and
the DeVos Center for Religion and Civil Society).
“When Pence advocates for
‘traditional Christian beliefs,’ it’s important to ask whose tradition,” says
Rabbi Jack Moline, president of the Interfaith Alliance. “He, like all of us,
has the right to his biblical interpretation and faith. But what he’s doing is
conflating disagreement with infringement and rights, and also ignoring the
rich diversity of faith in this country.”
Indeed, our Constitution’s First
Amendment for centuries has let many faiths thrive. The United States has never
had a “state religion,” no “correct” way to worship.
But laws can be warped to favor the
powerful or a majority. This backward movement might be traced to the Religious
Freedom Restoration Act, approved in 1993 during the Clinton administration to
protect Native American sacraments. But in the last decade, that
well-intentioned effort has been perverted to permit businesses and individuals
to use it as a pretext to discriminate. The best-known examples are the Colorado
baker who was eventually allowed to refuse service to a gay couple, and the
Hobby Lobby corporation that persuaded the Supreme Court that their faith
allowed them to deny some health benefits to workers.
Similar court rulings and laws
exist in dozens of states. In 2016, six such laws were passed, and there have
been more than 60 since, including one approved in June by the Texas
legislature that prevents the enforcement of laws that supposedly impede
people’s or companies’ moral convictions.
Authoritarian regimes require an
illusion of exceptionalism that in turn means scapegoating others: minorities,
the poor, people seeking asylum, LGBTQ citizens, Muslims…
A free people must recognize that
differences can coexist, even celebrated, and that packaging bigotry in the
trappings of faith is perilous to all.
“Objections to Pence’s views on
LGBTQ people or other rights are not an infringement on his or anyone else’s
religious freedom,” Moline says. “Suggesting that they are, or that evangelical
Christians are ‘under attack,’ is not only wrong, it is dangerous.”
Making space for the free exercise
of religion isn’t the same as imposing a preferred set of morals. When that
happens, discrimination is normalized; everyone loses.
“What the vice president and many
like him are describing is not an infringement of their rights or persecution,
but theological disagreement and different beliefs that are as protected as
their own,” adds Moline. “Pence’s assertion that his rights are being infringed
upon ignores the historical understanding of the constitutional guarantee of
religious freedom. The First Amendment protects my Judaism just as it protects
another’s Christianity, Islam, Sikhism, Hinduism, Buddhism, or atheism.”
Sometimes, I see bias cloaked in
holy writ, and my eyes once more water.
For the wrong reasons.
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