Days after print publication, Bill Knight’s syndicated newspaper column, which moves twice a week, will appear here. The most recent will appear at the top. (Columns before Sep. 11, 2017, are archived at

Sunday, May 10, 2020

The nation’s mostly together despite everything

Bill Knight column for 5-7, 8 or 9, 2020

In recent days I’ve given myself a buzz cut, watched a bunch of 30-minute “Gunsmoke” episodes and a four-hour Cubs-Phillies game from 1979, and caught up on a stack of unread magazines, besides doing some reporting remotely.
It’s tempting to whine, but such “boredom” is a First World problem, as my son says.
Sure, a handful of armed protestors objecting to public-health restrictions got press coverage (more than their numbers merit), causing some to wonder whether people somewhere shout about restrictions on selling spoiled food, having unprotected sex, or drinking and driving. After all, shouldn’t Americans be free to serve what they cooked, even if it’s contaminated, or infect or impregnate others, or endanger motorists or pedestrians?
Apart from such politically motivated “freedom-lovers,” most of us are worried about an imminent economic disaster, creeping authoritarianism, AND a contagious virus.
A lot of folks try to help, too.
This week, public TV is broadcasting and streaming “In This Together: A PBS American Portrait Story,” with everyday people sharing their experiences and feelings. It’s recommended.
Meanwhile, 43 men recently emerged from a Braskem USA factory where they volunteered to work – and sleep – in a Marcus Hook, Pa., petrochemical plant for 28 straight days to produce millions of pounds of material needed for face masks and surgical gowns for the front lines of the crisis.
The country is surprisingly united. Excuse the following slew of numbers, but social distancing is supported by 98% of Democrats and 82% of Republicans, according to a poll from ABC/Ipsos. Most of us agree on the need to sacrifice. A poll by Harvard, Northeastern and Rutgers universities showed that 69% of Illinoisans approve of Gov. Pritzker’s handling of the outbreak, and 14% disapprove, compared to 39% approving how President Trump is handling the emergency, and 45% disapproving. (The rest had no opinion.) Also, just 8% think Illinois’ businesses should reopen right away; another 9% said a couple of weeks; 18% said up to a month; 20% said four to six weeks; and 19% said six to eight weeks.
“We are all ordinary,” wrote novelist Brad Meltzer. “We are all boring. We are all spectacular. We are all shy. We are all bold. We are all heroes. We are all helpless. It just depends on the day.”
One day I read an extraordinary observation from a former journalism student, one of those exceptional talents who reassures teachers they had some impact on someone.
“I was laid off,” Jeff Bartl wrote. “It’s a direct impact of COVID-19. Still, I can step back and realize that families grieving over the death of loved ones would gladly trade their job for another day with whom they’ve lost. I’ll get another job and contribute to the economy rebounding eventually. I acknowledge I’m better off than others. Those families? They’ll never get their dad, mom, grandma, grandpa, husband, wife, son, daughter, brother, sister back again. If my job and immediate yet temporary inconvenience is the sacrifice I have to make to help prevent others from losing their lives, then I happily accept.
“I don’t expect everyone to agree,” he continued. “But setting aside selfishness, having some self-awareness and expressing some empathy shouldn’t be as difficult as it’s become. Stop being so angry. Hug your family. Reach out to people you can’t see and even rekindle some friendships that might’ve previously faded as we make the best of this situation. Zoom is fun. Find humor; bask in the comfort you DO have rather than campaigning for more; help others who are struggling more than you. It’ll make you feel better, I promise.
“You have to recognize no one wants to be in this position,” he added. “Literally no one. But we’re here. It’s not the media or Republicans or Democrats at fault. No one decided to unleash this virus, and no one hoped to catch it. Be thankful you’re safe, then do your part to keep others safe so this thing goes away quicker. We’re supposed to be in this together. Act like it. Smile more. Your appreciation for what you’ve missed during this tough time will increase more than you realize if you’re not angry while navigating through it. We’ll bounce back. We always do – no matter what side we’re on.”

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