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Saturday, June 20, 2020

Building trades weather pandemic’s storm

Bill Knight column for Thurs., Fri. or Sat., 6-18, 19 or 20, 2020
As Gov. J.B. Pritzker has led Illinois through experts’ cautious recommendations on re-opening the state after weeks of a partial shutdown, construction workers have been reeling from the global pandemic that’s forced people to choose between their livelihoods and their lives, their jobs and insurance, their pensions and their future.
In downstate Illinois, the building trades generally are working, according to Clint Drury, executive director of West Central Illinois Building and Construction Trades Council.
“March and some of April was a little slow, but that is typical,” Drury said. “All in all, [we’re] holding strong in our area, considering.”
Nationally, there haven’t seemed to be enforceable standards on working during the pandemic, whether coronavirus-specific safety measures, clear definitions of “critical infrastructure” projects making construction essential, or the financial fallout from a still-volatile stock market.
States have deemed construction workers “essential employees,” so contractors could keep them building, but “social distancing” on crowded job sites can be difficult-to-impossible. Six-foot spaces are possible in work like operating engineers in enclosed cabs on heavy equipment, but it’s another story if bricklayers must help each other move 70-pound blocks or laborers together pouring concrete.
“Among [Painters] members, there is a split down the middle between those who are more concerned about health risks, and those who say ‘I need to work so that I have my health care coverage, so that I can continue my way of life’,” said Jim Williams, vice president of the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades.
Health-care benefits for idled construction workers can be at risk – when they or a family member may need it.
“No health insurance contributions are required to be paid to the funds on behalf of laid-off or furloughed member,” Drury said. “Unions' internationals tried to get 100% COBRA coverage in the CARES Act, but that didn't happen. But we are still pushing for it to be included in the next” aid package.  
Some workers are protected by their logged hours, Drury said.
“It depends on if the member has already reached their qualifying hours,” he said. “If they did, then they have health insurance going forward, but the length depends on the fund and also if they can ‘bank’ hours. Banked hours let workers keep union-negotiated health insurance. Employer health contributions for all hours over 120 worked in a month go into a reserve, and some members can bank up to six months of health benefits.
Meanwhile, unions are trying to do what they can on behalf of the workers they represent. The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and contractors’ NECA group agreed that no action will be taken against any employee who refuses to be present at a jobsite if they believe there’s danger of contracting COVID-19. Bricklayers Local 1 Business Manager Matt Eleazer wrote members that, “If you choose not to work during this time, that’s your decision. If that’s your case, Local 1 supports you. There are many members who are willing to work through the crisis. And again, if that’s your case, Local 1 supports you.” Likewise, Painters had waived April dues.
Choices haven’t been easy. Eric Dean, president of the 130,000-member Ironworkers union, said that 30% of his work force was “idle or sitting at home.” He added that some members getting close to retirement age may take early retirement, which dilutes unions’ most skilled members and also weakens membership rolls.
In Illinois, unemployment varies, Drury said.
“Unemployment is up, but it depends on the trade and the area,” he said. “Painters are around 6% in our area. The Illinois Capital Development Board (CDB) shut down all projects early on, which affected Painters, [but] the CDB authorized work to start again. Heavy highway work has not slowed much, but that work obviously takes place outside, making social distancing easier.”
Also at risk are unions’ pension funds, whose values have plunged along with financial markets, endangering retirement benefits for thousands.
Dean says Ironworkers' pension portfolio lost about 20% of its value with Wall Street’s spring collapse, and such results aren’t unique, Drury said.
“Our investments took a similar hit,” he said. “Obviously, it depends on the portfolio allocation, but I think the level of risk across the funds is similar.”
Throughout the trades, concern is as widespread as the outbreak, and communication is more important than ever.
“Early on, I heard of a few older members that expressed concern their health was at risk,” Drury said. “Shortly after that, there were concerns due to working in close proximity and the number of workers on the job. We communicated, and continue to do so, with the owners of the projects and contractors to establish safety protocols, proper Personal Protective Equipment, additional cleaning, etc.”

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