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Thursday, December 24, 2020

Of kings and shepherds


Bill Knight column for 12-21, 22 or 23, 2020

 Christmas and Christianity too often conjure thoughts of commercialization and conservatism that might shock the Messiah. Still, compassion generally and especially an identification with regular working people survives, as shown in the following piece. The original was published 82 years ago this week in the New York World-Telegram, written by columnist Heywood Broun, founder of The Newspaper Guild labor union.

 … From near at hand and from distant lands there came visitors to Bethlehem, kings and shepherds. They followed the same star. Somewhere in the streets of the little town these columns met, and there was talk between the wise men and the shepherds as to their mission. They exchanged such information as they had about the birth of the King of kings and where He was to be found.

One of the royal party leaned down from his camel to listen to a shepherd who said, “We were in the field watching our flock and suddenly an angel appeared. We were frightened, and the angel said to us, ‘Fear not, for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord… Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.’ And then suddenly the sky was filled with a great light and voices sang, ‘Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, good will toward men.’

“And the light faded, and we decided to leave just one man with the flock and we went up to Bethlehem…”

The eldest of the wise men explained, “For us it was a star, a new star, and it seemed to us that the star beckoned, and we gathered together treasures of gold and frankincense and myrrh.” And he pointed behind him: camels heavily laden with bales and bundles of precious stuffs. And the shepherds seemed ashamed and said, “We have brought nothing. We came straight from the field when the angel spoke to us…”

The shepherds were abashed in the presence of the three kings and their servants and their camels bearing the burden of rich gifts. They could see and detect the place of their destination at the end of the street. The star shone directly on the stable. And because it was only a small place and the party of the kings was large, the shepherds made as if to step aside so that these great men from a distant land might go first with their precious gifts… But the eldest of the wise men waved to the shepherds to join his servants and not to humble themselves.

“Whether it be from far or near,” he said, “we are on the same mission. We should enter into the house together.”

But the shepherds were reluctant, and one of them answered, “First must come your servants with your precious gifts of gold and frankincense and myrrh… There is nothing we possess fit to bring as a gift to the King of kings. We will linger and tarry here until you have given over your treasure.”

The city was dark and still, but in this street there was a babble of voices and the sound of camel drivers calling to the great beasts to kneel so that they might dismount and unfasten the thongs which held in place the treasure chests and the sacks of incense. And the cavalcade drew up before the door with clatter, noise and tumult. The shepherds were silent, for they had seen many wonders in a single evening, and not the least of these were the kings of the East and their camel train.

In the street the servants opened cedar chests and revealed great bars of gold heavier than the stones which lay in the meadow where the flocks had been left to graze.

Through the narrow door and up to the manger itself strode the kings and great bearded men bearing treasure. The timid shepherds followed and ranged themselves in the back of the room against the stalls of the stable, for they were affrighted to be in the presence of princes and of the King of kings.

The eldest of the wise men said, “Where is He that is born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the east and are come to worship Him…”

And Mary, the mother, looked up at the great throng and paid no heed to the gifts of gold and incense but placed her finger upon her lips and said to the shepherds and to the kings, “The baby sleepeth.”


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