Bill Knight column for Monday,
Tuesday or Wednesday, Nov. 13, 14 or 15
Teachers and Teamsters, prison guards and
other government employees in Iowa last month voted overwhelmingly to stay with
fellow workers in unions to make their voices heard, state officials announced
Oct. 24, when statewide balloting showed that 97.3 percent of unionists
re-certified their unions.
Lawmakers who passed an anti-union measure
that went into effect in February apparently thought public workers would
abandon collective bargaining.
They were wrong.
If legislators want to kill organized
labor, they may have to outright outlaw unions.
“This sweeping victory confirms what we’ve
known since the gutting of collective bargaining rights in February,” said Danny
Homan, president of American Federation of State, County and Municipal
Employees (AFSCME) Council 61, “ – that unionized employees, members and
non-members, value their voice in the workplace.
“While this process was unnecessarily
challenging and unfair at every turn, I am immensely proud of our members and
leaders who stepped up to earn every last vote,” he added. “We worked hard to
communicate the rigged system put in place to each and every eligible voter,
and that work paid off. I congratulate the hard-working public employees who
voted to recertify; this victory is all theirs.”
Democratic State Sen. Rob Hogg told the
blog, “Republicans set out to bust unions, but in the
process they reinvigorated workplace democracy in all parts of Iowa.”
The state said 436 out of 468 union locals
were re-certified; 32 were de-certified, meaning they’re no longer authorized
to negotiate for their bargaining units.
This round of voting showed that 28,448
workers voted for continued representation by their unions, with 624 opposed
and 137 ballots voided.
AFSCME and the Iowa State Education
Association (ISEA) are the largest unions in Iowa’s public sector. AFSCME’s results had 41 of 42 locals
re-certifying (with the “loss” to be appealed since it stemmed from one voided
ballot in a unit with four members). ISEA won 216 of 220 units, helped by an
internal organizing campaign and a video featuring president Tammy Wawro
reminding teachers that collective bargaining ensured that workers “have a seat
at the table.”
There was near-unanimous support in some
votes. For example, 141 out of 144 members of the teachers union in the Keokuk
(Iowa) school district backed their union. And Communications Workers Locals
7103 and 7173 voted 69-0 in one unit and 264-1 in the other).
Teamsters won 57 or 69 re-certification
elections, with 1,828 out of 1,888 ballots cast.
Unions affected also included Laborers,
Machinists, Operating Engineers, Painters and SEIU.
Earlier this year, 13 faculty and teacher
bargaining units voted to maintain their union affiliation, and none voted to
de-certify. More than 200 other ISEA bargaining units will vote next year.
“Public employees resisted the GOP’s
efforts to extinguish them,” said Pat Rynard in “Public
union members just showed they could overcome the most arduous of obstacles.”
The obstacles were established in a
collective-bargaining law with new limits on workers and the union structure
they voted for, passed by Iowa’s Republican-controlled legislature and signed
by then-Gov. Terry Branstad (R). Based on the measure Gov. Scott Walker jammed
through Wisconsin’s legislature, the anti-union law took effect in February.
Under the law, public-sector unions must
recertify each time they’re scheduled to bargain new contracts, every two or
three years. The law also says re-certification requires support from 50
percent plus 1 vote from members of the bargaining unit – not of ballots cast.
So a non-vote becomes a “no” vote. Units failing that benchmark are dissolved
and can’t have a union authorization election for two years.
Lawmakers claimed that the law would hold
unions accountable to workers they’d been elected to represent, but the goal
obviously was to weaken workers’ collective influence in politics and business.
The law also restricts subjects that can
be bargained (seemingly contradicting the National Labor Relations Act’s
definition of mandatory and permissible bargaining subjects). Unions can no
longer negotiate health insurance, layoffs and transfers, seniority or
The voting process was difficult. Problems
were reported with online and telephone voting, plus some ballots were mailed
to teachers in plain white envelopes, so some may have been unintentionally discarded.
“There’s not one Republican in this state
that could win an election under the rules they gave us,” Homan said. “And we
won 41 of 42 because we went out and worked our tails off.”
International Brotherhood of Teamsters
president James Hoffa commented, “Given the roadblocks constructed by
anti-union elected officials in the state, the results are overwhelmingly
positive. Teamster members and staff who worked for months to build solidarity
and momentum across the board should be proud of their efforts.”
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