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Wednesday, January 31, 2018

In an A.I. world, we might learn from robot movies

Bill Knight column for Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, Jan. 29, 30 or 31

From “Metropolis,” the Tin Man in “The Wiard of Oz” and “Star Wars,” to TV’s “Twilight Zone,” the remade “Westworld” and “Almost Human,” Hollywood has a tradition of mechanical creatures that long to be human – to assist or oppose, control or mimic, serve or love people.
That’s timely again. Last month, a bipartisan group in Congress introduced the Future of Artificial Intelligence Act to protect both displaced workers and people’s privacy. This month, the Consumer Electronic Show presented robots way beyond motorized vacuum cleaners, like “Kuri” (which answers questions, plays games, takes photos, and helps around the house) and “Aibo” (a robot dog that can recognize faces, obey commands and “do tricks”). Last week, the National Business Research Institute released its annual “Outlook on A.I. in the Enterprise,” which says businesses adopting A.I. last year grew from 36 percent to 61 percent, and that 90 percent of executives working in “business intelligence” say they’re interested in incorporating A.I. to improve data and analytics.
That all seems to ignore A.I. cautioneers like Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk.
But the rest of us might be well-served by streaming some robot movies and recall Tom Selleck’s line from “Runaway”: “Let me tell you the way the world is: Nothing works right.”
Historically, writers have used artificial life for many decades. The 1920 play “R.U.R.” by Czech playwright Karel Capek is credited for not only linking ancient tales of artificial people with technology and science, but for coining the term “robot.” And Hollywood’s been both impessive and embarrassing in its depiction (the best low-budget example may be the big-nosed robot used in the movie serials “Undersea Kingdom” (1936), “The Mysterious Dr. Satan” (1940) and “Zombies of The Stratosphere” (1952), described both as “charming” and “an enraged water heater.”
So whether you’re an A.I. skeptic or a Transformer wannabe clank down in an easy chair to rest your microchips, here are 10 top robot/android films:
“A.I.: Artificial Intelligence” (2001). A disquieting result of filmmakers Steven Spielberg (who directs) and the late Stanley Kubrick (who had the concept), this “grim fairy tale” focuses on a 4-foot, six-inch, 60-pound boy (Haley Joel Osment) who loves his mom. But this forever-11-year-old kid is an android. It’s unpleasant but provocative, uncomfortable but ambitious, apocalyptic yet an updating of “Pinocchio.”
“The Day The Earth Stood Still” (1951). One of Hollywood's best science-fiction films, this Gospel allegory co-stars Gort as the mechanical companion of extra-terrestrial Klaatu (Michael Rennie). After bonehead Earthlings kill the celestial prophet who preaches peace, a woman (Patricia Neal) saves the world with her incantation: "Klaatu barada nikto!"
“Forbidden Planet” (1956). Robby the Robot was introduced in this excellent science-fiction version of Shakespeare's “Tempest,” with Walter Pidgeon, Leslie Nielsen and Anne Francis coping with an unseen force on another planet in the year 2200. The bubble-headed robot whiz went on to star in 1957's “Invisible Boy” and TV's “Lost in Space” as well as cameo appearances in “Twilight Zone” and “Gremlins.”
“Heartbeeps” (1981). The late comic Andy Kaufman starred in this offbeat, overlooked gem. He and Bernadette Peters are robots built to be a valet and server, but they fall in love and escape. The film becomes a touching, charming fairy tale.
“I, Robot” (2004). This techno-thriller loosely based on Isaac Asimov’s novel stars Will Smith as an old-fashioned cop in a new-fangled society where a crime may have been committed by a robot. Then he stumbles on a greater threat to the planet.
“Robocop” (1987). Near death, Detroit cop Peter Weller is reassembled as corporate America's idea of a mechanized supercop in the first, best “Robocop” entry. The stylish (but violent) film has a grim plot balanced by a subtext about the near future that's himarious satire.
“Robots” (2005). In a world populated entirely by mechanical beings, a likeable device goes to the city to join his inspiration – who’s discovered to have been deposed in a corporate shakeup putting profit above all. Ewan McGregor, Mel Brooks and Halle Berry star.
“Silent Running” (1972). Lonely Bruce Dern mans a space-station garden ship with Earth's surviving botany, assisted by three wonderful robots he calls Huey, Louie and Dewey. They all garden together, play games and even mourn as a group. Truly touching.
“Terminator II: Judgment Day (1991). Arnold Schwarzenegger reprises his role in James Cameron's sequel to his 1984 movie, now a “good guy” at the center of friction between man and machine, between humanity and computerized gadgetry. Linda Hamilton co-stars.
“Tobor The Great” (1954). Try to ignore that Tobor is robot spelled backward and appreciate the familiar relationship-building between a robot and a child (Billy Chapin). Like “The Day The Earth Stood Still,” TV's “Johnny Jupiter” and other shows, the emotional robot in this fantasy bonds with his inventor's grandson.

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